News & Events

Bulldog Cleft Pallet
How cute is this guy? Little Puppy is a 5-week old rescued English Bulldog. He came to us from Buddies through Bullies because food would spill

Pets and Hurricane Season
Hurricane season runs from June 1- November 30th. Make sure to include your pets in your disaster preparedness planning. Miami-Dade offers two shelters accepting pets. For

Jax the American Bulldog
It’s Surgery Saturday! Meet Jax and his incredibly loving family. Jax is an American Bulldog who was rushed to MVS with a broken leg after being

Limp in Boston Terrier
It’s Surgery Saturday! Meet Xena, a 3-year old Boston Terrier who came to us after her hind legs began limping and she showed signs of pain.

Adopt-A-Cat Month
Did you know June is Adopt a Cat Month? To celebrate, meet our friend Sugar, an adorable 5-year old Himalayan cat that was rescued by Pet

Theo’s Bladder Stones
It’s Surgery Saturday! Meet Theodore, an adorable 8-year old Yorkshire Terrier who came to MVS to remove uroliths or bladder stones. He was operated on by